Teaching Staff
Dr. Pisanu Toochinda
Date Posted : 2022-01-04
School of Bio-Chemical Engineering and Technology (BCET)
Dr. Pisanu Toochinda
Associate Professor
Phone Rangsit
+66-2-986-9009, +66-2-986-9101, +66-2-564-3226
Phone Bangkadi
Phone Extension

August 2003
Ph.D. Chemical Engineering, The University of Akron, Akron OH. 
Dissertation:Palladium and Copper: Environmentally Benign Catalysts for Oxidative Carbonylation and Photo Catalysis.
December 1999
M.S. Chemical Engineering, The University of Akron, Akron OH.
Thesis: Carbamate Syntheses from the Oxidative Carbonylation reactions over Palladium on Carbon.
June 1995
B.S. Chemistry, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand.
Project: Interface behavior of natural latex and microencapsulation of fertilizer.

Academic Awards

Research Areas

Research Interests

The Development of a Novel Catalyst for Hydrogen Production from Methanol Steam Reforming

The shortage of energy is becoming an important problem for mankind and the research of renewable energy has emerged rapidly to solve this problem. One interesting renewable energy is the energy from hydrogen fuel cells. Therefore, one of the most important issues to be considered for the hydrogen fuel cell is effective hydrogen production. Hydrogen could be produced from reforming reactions of hydrocarbons such as methane, methanol, ethanol, dimethyl ether, etc. This research focuses on methanol reforming to produce hydrogen for fuel cells from the steam reforming reaction. Unfortunately, the process still requires a huge amount of energy in order to produce a high yield of hydrogen. This is a major drawback of hydrogen production from the reforming reaction. The objective of this research is to study the performance of various catalysts from different preparation methods to identify the proper catalyst for methanol reforming. The optimization of the catalytic reactor design and reaction conditions are also investigated to enhance the reaction system for effective hydrogen production from methanol reforming.

Carbon Dioxide Capture by Immobilized Amine over Solid Sorbents

The high performance of amine solid sorbents could provide the alternative for CO2 capture from power plant flue gases. The concept is to capture carbon dioxide (CO2) from a simulated flue gas system by a tubular reactor using immobilized amine species on different solid sorbent support (activated carbon, zeolites, agriculture product waste) at ambient conditions. The concepts of the material preparation are high performance of CO2 capture, cost effectiveness, and easy handling for various applications. The preliminary design of a scaled up plant for the CO2capture from solid sorbents is also considered in the study.


CO2 emission has become a worldwide problem due to its potential impact on global warming. Photocatalytic reactions, which involve the combined use of photo energy and catalysts to convert reactants to products, provide a promising alternative to reduce CO2 and convert it into useful hydrocarbon products (e.g., methane and methanol).

Work Experiences


  • Expertise in the use and maintenance of FTIR, FT-Raman, UV-visible, MS, GC, HPLC, SEM, TEM, AA and NMR.
  • Operation of computer-based data acquisition systems.
  • Operation of computer graphic illustration and photo editing programs.

Jan. 1998-2003 Research Assistant, The University of Akron.
  • Well versed in the formulation, preparation, characterization, and testing a wide range of catalysts, including Group VIII metal-oxide, metal nanoparticle, sol-gel, carbon and mesoporous based catalysts.
  • Designed a novel technique involving the use of FTIR, GC, and MS for in situ studies during catalytic reaction of carbamate and dicarbamate from oxidative carbonylation reactions.
  • Worked extensively with in situ transmission IR, GC, and compartment modeling for determination of catalyst activities and selectivities, reaction kinetics, adsorbates, and reaction mechanisms.
  • Worked extensively with SEM and TEM for the surface characterization of catalysts.
  • Designed and developed a novel gas-solid oxidative carbonylation in batch and continuous reaction systems for carbamate and carbonate syntheses.
  • Investigated reactivity and selectivity of Group VIII metal and zeolite-based catalysts for oxidative carbonylation reactions and photocatalytic reduction of CO2 and H2O.
  • CO2 adsorption study on carbon-supported sorbents.
  • Experienced in design, development, and optimization of industrial process and reactor scale up to pilot scale.
  • Collaborated in the composition of EPA-, DOE-, and NSF-funded proposals and reports.

Jan.-May 2000 Teaching Assistant, The University of Akron.
  • Assisted instructor of class in undergraduate Chemical Engineering Laboratory (Zeolite synthesis).

Jan.-May 2001 Teaching Assistant, The University of Akron.
  • Assisted instructor of class in undergraduate Chemical Engineering Laboratory (Distillation column).

Jan.-May 2002 Teaching Assistant, The University of Akron.
  • Assisted instructor of classes in undergraduate Chemical Engineering Laboratory (Distillation column) and Material Science.

Nov. 2003 - Present Lecturer, Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thammasat University.
  • Instruct classes in undergraduate Chemistry for Engineers , General Sciene I and II, Pre-Mathematics, and Material & Energy Balance.

Professional Activities

  • Member of North American Catalysis Society.
  • Member of Pittsburgh-Cleveland Catalysis Society.
  • Member of Organic Reaction Catalysis Society.

List of Publications


Provided upon request

Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology,
Thammasat University - Rangsit Campus
99 Moo 18, Km. 41 on Paholyothin Highway Khlong Luang, Pathum Thani 12120, Thailand
Tel : +66-2-986-9009~13,+66-2-986-9103~10, +66-2-564-3221~9
Fax : 02-986-9112-3