Teaching Staff
Dr. Somnuk Tangtermsirikul
Date Posted : 2022-01-05
School of Civil Engineering and Technology (CET)
Dr. Somnuk Tangtermsirikul
Phone Rangsit
+66-2-986-9009, +66-2-986-9101, +66-2-564-3226
Phone Bangkadi
Phone Extension

Academic Awards

Research Areas

Work Experiences

List of Publications

  1. Prak, L., Sumranwanich, T. and Tangtermsirikul, S., (2020), “Time-Dependent Model for Predicting Chloride Binding Capacity of Concrete with Crystalline Material”, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (Accepted)
  2. Dong, V., P., T., Sancharoen, P., Klomjit, P. and Tangtermsirikul, S., (2020) “Electrical resistivity and corrosion potential of reinforced concrete: Influencing factors and prediction models”, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, Vol.??, No.??, pp.1-13 (Published online)
  3. Leelarassamee, A., Hussain, Q., Tangtermsirikul, S. (2020), “Behavior of Concrete Confined with Epoxy Bonded Fiber Ropes under Axial Load”, Construction and Building Materials, Vol.263, No.10, Dec. 2020 (Published online)
  4. Dong, V., P., T., Sancharoen, P., Klomjit, P. and Tangtermsirikul, S., (2020)  “Electrochemical Compatibility of Patching Repaired Reinforced Concrete: Experimental and Numerical Approach”, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, Vol.34, Issue 8, 2020, pp.828-848.
  5. Dong, V., P., T., Sancharoen, P., Klomjit, P. and Tangtermsirikul, S., (2020) “Effects of Concrete Mix Proportion and Chloride Content on Electrochemical Properties of Reinforcing Steel in Concrete”, Engineering Journal, Vol.24, No.3, pp.23-34.
  6. Banchong, N., Saengsoy, W. and Tangtermsirikul, S. (2020), “Study on Mechanical and Durability Properties of Mixtures with Fly Ash from Hongsa Power Plant”, ASEAN Engineering Journal, Vol.10, No.1, January-June 2020, pp.9-24.
  7. Liyanage, C., Julnipitawong, P., and Tangtermsirikul, S. (2020), “Using fly ash as a partial replacement for fine aggregate in concrete and its effects on concrete properties under different curing temperatures“, ASEAN Engineering Journal, Vol.10, No.2, July-December 2020, pp.35-49.
  8. Bohara R. P., Tanapornraweekit, G., and Tangtermsirikul, S. (2019), “Seismic behavior of post-tensioned precast wide U beam-column interior joint: a finite element study”, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol.20, Issue 4, June 2019, pp. 603-617.
  9. Nguyen T. B. T., Chatchawan, R., Saengsoy, W., Tangtermsirikul, S. and Sugiyama, T., (2019), “Influences of different types of fly ash and confinement on performances of expansive mortars and concretes”, Construction and Building Materials, Vol.209, June 2019, pp. 176-186.
  10. Bohara R. P., Tanapornraweekit, G., and Tangtermsirikul, S. (2019), “An Experimental Study on Mechanical Properties and Cracking Behaviors of AFRC used as Functional Material in Hybrid Beams”, International journal of Civil Engineering, Vol.17, Issue 9, Sep 2019, pp. 1433-1444.
  11. Nguyen T. B. T., Saengsoy, W., Tangtermsirikul, (2019), “Influence of Bottom Ashes with Different Water Retainabilities on Properties of Expansive Mortars and Expansive Concretes”, Engineering Journal, Vol.23, Issue 5, 2019, pp. 107-123.
  12. Bohara, R., Tanapornraweekit, G., and Tangtermsirikul, S. (2019), “Investigation of Concrete Material Models for Analysis of Seismic Behavior of Reinforced Concrete under Reversed Cyclic Load”, Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology, Vol.41, No.4, July-Aug 2019, pp. 951-958.
  13. Bui, K.A., Sancharoen, P., Tanapornraweekit, G., Tangtermsirikul, S. and Nanakorn, P. (2019), “An Evaluation of Thermal Effects on Behavior of a Concrete Arch Dam”, Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology, Vol.41, No.5, Sep-Oct 2019, pp. 1059-1068.
  14. Dabarera, A., Saengsoy, W., Kaewmanee, K., Nakazaki, T., Lerdsupavaree, T. and Tangtermsirikul, S., (2019) “Comparative Evaluation of Thermal Properties, Tensile Strain Capacity and Thermal Cracking of Concrete Containing Fly Ash and Slag”, Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology, Vol.41, No.5, Sep-Oct 2019, pp. 1184-1191.
  15. Mahinsasa Rathnayake, Pisanu Toochinda, Parnthep Julnipitawong and Somnuk Tangtermsirikul, (2018), “Utilization of coal fly ash and bottom ash as solid sorbents for sulfur dioxide reduction from coal fired power plant: Life cycle assessment and applications”, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 202, Nov. 2018, pp.934-945.
  16. Nguyen, T. B. T., Saengsoy, W., and Tangtermsirikul, S. (2018) "Effect of initial moisture of wet fly ash on the workability and compressive strength of mortar and concrete", Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 183, 20 September 2018, pp. 408-416.
  17. Wiwatrojanagul, P., Sahamitmongkol, R., and Tangtermsirikul, S. (2018) "A method to detect lap splice in reinforced concrete using a combination of covermeter and GPR", Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 173, 10 June 2018, pp. 481-494.
  18. Im, D., Sancharoen, P., Julnipitawong, P., and Tangtermsirikul, S. (2018) "Effects of chloride content on thermal properties of concrete", International Journal of GEOMATE, Vol.14, No. 41, January 2018, pp. 135-142.
  19. Im, D., Sancharoen, P., Julnipitawong, P., and Tangtermsirikul, S. (2018) "Effect of chloride and corrosion of reinforcing steel on thermal behavior of concrete and its modeling", Engineering Journal, Vol. 22, No. 3, 28 June 2018, pp. 143-163.
  20. Wiwatrojanagul, P., Sahamitmongkol, R., Tangtermsirikul, S., and Khamsemanan, N. (2017) "A new method to determine locations of rebars and estimate cover thickness of RC structures using GPR data", Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 140, 1 June 2017, pp. 257-273.
  21. Dabarera, A., Saengsoy W., Kaewmanee, K., Mori, K., and Tangtermsirikul, S. (2017) "Models for predicting hydration degree and adiabatic temperature rise of mass concrete containing ground granulated blast furnace slag", Engineering Journal, Vol. 21, No. 3, May 2017, pp. 157-171.
  22. Nawaz, A., Julnipitwong, P., Krammart, P. and Tangtermsirikul, S., (2016), “Effect and Limitation of Free Lime Content in Cement-Fly Ash Mixtures”, Construction and Building Materials, 102, 2016, pp. 515-530.
  23. Siriruang, C., Toochinda, P., Julnipitawong, P., Tangtermsirikul, S. (2016) "CO2 capture using fly ash from coal fired power plant and applications of CO2-captured fly ash as a mineral admixture for concrete", Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 170, 1 April 2016, pp. 70-78.
  24. Kaewmanee, K. and Tangtermsirikul, S. (2014). “Properies of binder systems containing cement, fly ash, and limestone powder”, Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 36, No. 5, September-October 2014, pp. 569-576.
  25. Sirisawat, I., Baingam, L., Saengsoy, W., Krammart, P., and Tangtermsirikul, S. (2014) “Sodium and magnesium sulfate resistance of mortars with interground limestone and limestone powder replacing cements”, Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, Vol. 12, No. 10, October 2014, pp. 403-412.
  26. Sirisawat, I., Saengsoy, W., Baingam, L., Krammart, P., and Tangtermsirikul, S. (2014) “Durability and testing of mortar with interground fly ash and limestone cements in sulfate solutions”, Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 64 (2014), pp. 39-46.
  27. Binh Dung, V., K., Sahamitmongkol, R, and Tangtermsirikul, S. (2013) “Effect of Leaching on Carbonation Resistance and Steel Corrosion of Cement-based Materials”, Construction and Building Materials, Vol.40, pp. 1066-1075.
  28. Hussain K. , Choktaweekarn P., Saengsoy W., Srichun T. and Tangtermsirikul, S. (2013) “Effect of Cement Types, Mineral Admixtures and Bottom Ash on Curing Sensitivity of Concrete”, International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, Vol.20, No.1, pp. 94-105.
  29. Kaewmanee, K., Krammart, P., Sumranwanich, T., Choktaweekarn P. and Tangtermsirikul, S. (2013), “Effect of Free Lime Content on Properties of Cement-Fly Ash Mixtures”, Construction and Building Materials, Vol.38, pp. 829-836.
  30. Yodmalai, D., Sahamitmongkol, R., Tangtermsirikul, S. and Lawtrakul, L. (2011) “Carbonation Resistance of Concrete with Crystalline Material Coating”, Magazine of Concrete Research, Vol.63, Issue 8, pp. 573-582.
  31. Sahamitmongkol, R., Choktaweekarn, P., Sancharoen, P. and Tangtermsirikul, S. (2011) “Damage Analysis of an RC Column Subjected to Long-term Transient Elevated Temperature”, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, Vol.7, No.12, December 2011, pp. 921-930.
  32. Dung, N. T., Sahamitmongkol, R. and Tangtermsirikul, S. (2010) “Prediction of Shrinkage Craking Age of Concrete with and without Expansive Additive”, Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology, Vol.32, No.5, pp. 469-480.
  33. Chansuriyasak, K., Sancharoen, P., Wattanalamlerd, C. and Tangtermsirikul, S. (2010) “Comparison between Half-Cell Potential of Reinforced Concrete Exposed to Carbon Dioxide and Chloride Environment”, Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology, Vol.32, No.5, pp. 461-468.
  34. Choktaweekarn, P. and Tangtermsirikul, S. (2010) “Effect of Aggregate Type, Casting, Thickness, and Curing Condition on Restrained Strain of Mass Concrete”, Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology, Vol.32, N0.4, pp. 391-402.
  35. Choktaweekarn, P., Saengsoy, W. and Tangtermsirikul, S. (2009) “A Model for Predicting Thermal Conductivity of Concrete”, Magazine of Concrete Research, Vol. 61, No. 4, May 2009, pp. 271-280.
  36. Choktaweekarn, P., Saengsoy, W. and Tangtermsirikul, S. (2009) “A Model for Predicting the Specific Heat Capacity of Fly-Ash Concrete”, Science Asia, Vol. 35, No. 2, June 2009, pp. 178-182.
  37. Choktaweekarn, P. and Tangtermsirikul, S. (2009) “A model for predicting the coefficient of thermal expansion of cementitious paste”, Science Asia, Vol.35, No.1, March 2009, pp. 57-63.
  38. Tongaroonsri, S. and Tangtermsirikul, S. (2009) “Effect of Mineral Admixtures and Curing Periods on Shrinkage and Cracking Age under Restrained Condition”, Construction and Building Materials, Vol.23, No.2, February 2009, pp. 1050-1056.
  39. Kasemchaisiri, R. and Tangtermsirikul, S. (2008) “Deformability Prediction Model for Self-Compacting Concrete”,Magazine of Concrete Research, Vol.60, No.2, March, pp. 93-108.
  40. Kasemchaisiri, R. and Tangtermsirikul, S. (2008) “Properties of Self-Compacting Concrete Incorporating Bottom Ash as a Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate”, Science Asia, Vol.34, No.1, March 2008, pp. 87-95.
  41. Tongaroonsri, S. and Tangtermsirikul, S. (2008) “Influence of Mixture Condition and Moisture on Tensile Strain Capacity of Concrete” Science Asia, Vol.34, No.1, March 2008, pp. 59-68.
  42. Kasemchaisiri, R. and Tangtermsirikul, S. (2007) “A Method to Determine Water Retainability of Porous Fine Aggregate for Design and Quality Control of Fresh Concrete”, Construction and Building Materials, Vol.21, No.6, June 2007, pp. 1322-1334.
  43. Hung L. V. and Tangtermsirikul, S. (2007) “A Strength Model for No-Slump Concrete with Fly Ash”, Magazine of Concrete Research, Vol. 59, No.3, April 2007, p. 211-221.
  44. Khunthongkeaw, J., Tangtermsirikul, S. and Leelawat, T. (2006) “A Study on Carbonation Depth Prediction for Fly Ash Concrete”, Construction and Building Materials, Vol.20, Issue.9, November, 2006, pp. 744-753.
  45. Tangtermsirikul, S. (2005) (Invited paper). "Problems of Concrete Practices in Thailand and Efforts to find Solutions,"Concrete Journal, Japan Concrete Institute, Vol.43, No.1, pp. 30-33.
  46. Khunthongkeaw, J. and Tangtermsirikul, S. (2005) “Model for Simulating Carbonation of Fly Ash Concrete”, ASCE Journal of Materials for Civil Engineering, Vol.17, No.5, October 2005, pp. 570-578.
  47. Krammart, P and Tangtemsirikul, S. (2004), “Expansion, Strength Reduction and Weight Loss of Fly Ash Concrete in Sulfate Solution”, ASEAN Journal on Science and Technology for Development, Vol.21, Issue 4, December 2004, pp. 373-390.
  48. Samranwanich, T. and Tangtermsirikul, S. (2004), “Time Dependent Chloride Binding Capacity of Various Types of Cement Pastes”, Science Asia, Vol.30, No.2, June 2004, pp. 127-134.
  49. Krammart, P and Tangtemsirikul, S. (2004), “Properties of Cement Made by Partially Replacing Cement Raw Materials with Municipal Solid Waste Ash and Calcium Carbide Waste”, Construction and Building Materials, Vol.18, No.8, 2004, pp. 579-583.
  50. Samranwanich, T. and Tangtermsirikul, S. (2004), “A Model for Predicting Time Dependent Chloride Binding Capacity of Cement-Fly Ash Cementitious System”, Materials and Structures, RILEM, Vol.37, No.270, July 2004, pp. 387-396.
  51. Tangtermsirikul, S., Kaewkhluab, T. and Jitvutikrai, P. (2004), “A compressive strength model for roller-compacted concrete with fly ash”, Magazine of Concrete Research, Vol.56, No.1, February, pp. 35-44.
  52. Maruya, T., Hsu, K. L., Takeda, H. and Tangtermsirikul, S. (2003), “Numerical Modeling of Steel Corrosion in Concrete Structures due to Chloride Ion, Oxygen and Water Movement”, Advanced Concrete Technology of the Japan Concrete Institute, Vol.1, No.2, July 2003, pp. 147-160.
  53. Krammart, P and Tangtemsirikul, S. (2003), “A Study on Cement Made by Partially Replacing Cement Raw Materials with Municipal Solid Waste Ash and Calcium Carbide Waste”, Science Asia, Vol.29, No.1, pp. 77-84.
  54. Khunthongkaew, J. and Tangtermsirikul, S. (2003), “Vibration Consistency Prediction Model for Roller-Compacted Concrete”, Material Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Vol.100, No.1, pp. 3-13.
  55. Tangtemsirikul, S. and Tatong, S. (2001), “Modeling of Aggregate Stiffness and Its Effect on Shrinkage of Concrete”,Science Asia, Vol.27, No.3, September 2001, pp. 185-192.
  56. Tangtermsirikul, S, Khunthongkaew, J. and Kitticharoenkiat, P. (2001), “A Model for Predicting Workability of Fresh Mortar and Concrete”, Journal of Materials, Concrete Structures and Pavements, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, No.676, V-51, pp. 149-157.
  57. Tangtemsirikul, S. and Wijeyewickrema, A.C. (2000), “Strength Evaluation of Aggregate Made from Fly Ash”, Science Asia, Vol.26, No.4, December 2000, pp. 237-241.
  58. Tangtermsirikul, S. (1999) “Development and Problems on Concrete Technology in Thailand / An Effort toward Performance-Based Design and Wastes Utilization,” Cement and Concrete, Japan Cement Association, Vol.3, No.625, pp.1-7 (in Japanese).
  59. Maruya, T., Tangtermsirikul, S. and Matsuoka, Y. (1998) “Modeling of Chloride Ion Movement in the Surface Layer of Hardened Concrete,” Concrete Library of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, No.32, pp. 69-83.
  60. Niwa, J. and Tangtermsirikul, S. (1997) “Fracture Properties of High Strength and Self-Compacting High Performance Concretes”, Transaction of the Japan Concrete Institute, Vol.19, pp. 73-80.
  61. Tangtermsirikul, S. and Nimityongskul, P. (1997) "Simulation of Concrete Shrinkage Taking into Account Aggregate Restraint," Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol.5, No.1, January, pp.105-113.
  62. Tangtermsirikul, S. (1996) (Invited paper). "Situation of Concrete Construction and Concrete Technology in Thailand," Concrete Journal, Japan Concrete Institute, Vol.34, No.9, pp. 42-44 (in Japanese).
  63. Aoyagi, Y. and Tangtermsirikul, S. (1995). "Experiment on Construction of Pavement using Roller Compacted Concrete with Lignite Fly Ash in Thailand," Civil Engineering, Vol.50, No.9, pp. 59-68 (in Japanese).
  64. Maruya, T., Tangtermsirikul, S. and Matsuoka, Y. (1992). "Simulation of Chloride Movement in Hardened Concrete,"Concrete Library of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, No.20, pp. 57-70.
  65. Shindoh, T., Matsuoka, Y., Tangtermsirikul, S. and Sakamoto, J. (1992) “Effect of Variation of Material Quality on Properties of Super Workable Concrete”, Transaction of the Japan Concrete Institute, Vol.14, pp. 71-78.
  66. Sakamoto, J., Shindoh, T., Matsuoka, Y. and Tangtermsirikul, S. (1991). "An Application of Super Workable Concrete to Construction of Actual Structures", Transaction of the Japan Concrete Institute, Vol.13, pp. 41-48.
  67. Tangtermsirikul, S. and Shima H. (1987). "Modeling for Buckling of Reinforcement in Reinforced Concrete Pier,"Transactions of the Japan Concrete Institute, Vol.9, pp. 527-532.
  68. Shima, H., Tangtermsirikul, S. and Ueda, T. (1986). "Separation of Flexural and Shear Deformation in Reinforced Concrete Pier," Transactions of the Japan Concrete Institute, Vol.8, pp. 543-550.

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